
Is it too late to apologize?

heh... To clarify the title of this post.

To those very few of you who keep coming back here and finding the same post over and over again, I apologize.

Currently my life is up in the air. I was told that my final day at Williams Gas Pipeline will be the 26th of this month. I've been scrambling to find another job since then. Being a contractor/permatemp is full of sucktastic surprises.
"Hey there! You're doing a great job! Now get the hell out of here."

As soon as life stabilizes a bit more I'll have more pics to post.

Until then have some Cryptids.
(Yes that does translate into "Eat some filler til I get back.")


The Jersey Devil

The Flatwoods Creature


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Filler axcceptable.

good luck with jobbyjob.

you know, like from the movie, um, thought about going back to school? difficult, maybe. Not impossible.